International Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography, Computer Science and Computation - کنفرانس بین‌المللی ترکیبیات، رمزنگاری، علوم کامپیوتر و محاسبات

Important Dates

Paper submission due

Notification of Acceptance 


Conference Dates
November 15-16th 2023

 Submission instructions 

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of original research on Computing and Combinatorics and cryptography. Submissions must contain a scholarly exposition of the ideas, techniques, and a full description of the results achieved. A clear indication of the motivation and comparison with prior related work should be presented. Simultaneous submission to a journal or another conference with refereed proceedings is not allowed.


Submissions must adhere to the following guidelines: 

Papers must be formatted using the I4C style file without altering margins or the font point. The maximum length of the paper (including references, but excluding the optional appendix) is 15 pages. Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be placed in an appendix to be read by the program committee members at their discretion. Papers that deviate from these guidelines risk being rejected without consideration of their merits.

template is here